BEP055 – Teaching to and through Covid-19 with Vera De Jesus

Vera De Jesus of the Highlander Institute shares a bundle of resources for teachers, families, partners, etc. that could potentially support or inform around Covid-19.


02:11 Coronavirus Resources: Teaching, Learning and Thinking Critically – resources and links that provide lenses for how we can talk to students about what’s going on currently, and what these various impacts on different people in our society might be, and some historical context.

05:42 A new kind of literacy as a subset of critical thinking skill

06:46 What’s Going On in This Graph? | Flatten the Curve

How can protective measures like social distancing affect how the coronavirus outbreak impacts our society?

09:30 With this new freedom, can we teach about our own passion projects? And can we find ways to engage students and use this looser structure to pursue their passion projects? Can we use this time to get to know ourselves better and get to broaden or just reference our knowledge so that we can identify what questions intrigue us?

13:05 But we are sort of in this space where because there are so many unknowns, can we think differently about how we are responding to this shift in this crisis? We may have some limitations or constraints placed on us as we move further. But can we maintain that creativity and optimize whatever flexibility we have in this weird new world that we’re teaching and learning?

13:55 To ask and answer a compelling question doesn’t imply that you’re not getting the stuff done. 

14:30 You’re not just teaching/designing a lesson for student access. you’re designing the lesson for parental/adult support.

16:09 Is there some way that we can cultivate human to human connection in a purposeful, intentional way? And so if we’re thinking about how to use this coronavirus situation as a lens, perhaps, facilitated teacher discussion could be, let’s do some journaling of our own. 

17:15 When you’re thinking about that part of any kind of project-based activity, when you’re just brainstorming questions, and everything goes, is framed as a question rather than an assumption. 

20:56 Daily writing prompts to get kids to think about writing and reflecting: Why has my life changed so drastically?

23:05 Map: Coronavirus and School Closures

26:23 Google Arts and Culture



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